More than 20 years experience in managing qual and quant fieldwork
Since 2001, MIS Group offered specialist qual and quant research project management and fieldwork.
Our broad range of services and diversely skilled teams include - Made in Surveys, Made in Studios and Panelabs - as well as our 30 proprietary websites panels. Our services cater to various research needs, from academia, to market.
For quant, our range includes: full service, sample only or DIY. We have more than 1 500 000 triple opt-in panellists ready, willing and waiting to answer your questionnaires.
Learn more about MIS Group

For your qualitative projects
The partner for your Qual offline and online fieldwork
Made in Studios is our Qual service, which supports you in all stages of your qualitative studies offline and online through its various solutions: participant recruitment (in France, Italy, and the UK), room rental (in Paris, Lyon, Lille, and Birmingham) and Qual online study solutions (On-Qual visio and platform).
Rentals · Recruitment · Qual Online

For Academic Researchers
The 1st quantitative data provider exclusively for Researchers
Panelabs is a specialised service developed with the help of our in-house Academic Research experts. This unique platform supports teachers, researchers and doctoral students by offering high quality, reliable data for their studies.
Thanks to the incredible work our team has done within academic research, we’ve become the trusted quantitative data provider for more than 170 universities and schools in both the UK and France.