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Photo our panel

Our panel: a guarantee to gather targeted answer of the highest quality

All our panellists confirmed 3 times their willingness to participate in our research projects: Consent in the registration form, registration validation by email and then by text message.

Once registered, our members are invited to share information about them through 400 questions across 14 profiling questionnaires. This allow us to target narrow audience and meet complex project specs.
Thanks to our registration and qualifying process, we are proud to be able to rely on a engaged, reliable and available worldwide panel.

1 500 000
Members around the world
world map, 1500000 members
world map, 1500000 members

And 40 more countries around the world

map US +80000 map Canada +30000 map Brazil +60000 map Mexico +60000 map India +50000 map China +50000

The panel is actively monitored through a number of checks, always ensuring compliance with the laws that protect the privacy of our panellists:

Strict quality control is carried out on panellists prior to the research, particularly with regards to the geolocation of IP addresses, the detection of duplicate IP addresses, and the use of CAPTCHA, etc.
If there is any doubt about a panellist's profile, their account is temporarily blocked and an activation code is sent to them by post to the address given on their account. This procedure allows us to verify the physical existence of the person.
During the fieldwork, quality control is always carried out, which may include consistency questions, checking response times, assessing the quality of responses to open-ended questions, etc.
A panel evaluation strategy is systematically applied, with a specific monitoring history for each panellist, depending on the fieldwork. Panellists are evaluated on the basis of their reliability and the consistency of their responses, in order to identify unreliable members.

These checks enable us to detect fraudulent profiles. If we have the slightest doubt about the seriousness of a respondent, our policy allows us to suspend the respondent's account. These checks ensure that the data provided by our proprietary panel is more reliable.

Our 14 profile questionnaires

We routinely run verification checks to ensure relevant and up-to-date panellist information. We also ask our panellists to update their profiles every 6 months which helps guarantee the reliability of pre-targeting criteria for when life circumstances change and evolve.

We use profiling questionnaires tailored to the cultural nuances of each country and continually update them to ensure our data stays current with the latest trends, brands and innovations. We also adapt the profile information on our panel to the specific characteristics of each country. We continuously refine the profiles we offer to ensure you have committed individuals who can provide informed and relevant answers for your research projects.

Find out more about each profile questionnaire: